Saturday, May 05, 2012

Our Travels Have Started!

Now we are officially on our trip. First stop, Kuala Lumpur.

Sorry. That was so random :P
I'm not really jet lagged this time because of the time difference. Kuala Lumpur is only two hours behind my home time. So if it's 7:00am here, it's 9:00am there. It's pretty good!
So here's a recount of our trip. So far.
First of all, we woke up at 2:30am, drove 2 1/2 hours to the airport, checked in, waited about three hours, then got on the plane. It was actually a really good flight. Well, if you want the TV, then maybe not so good, but I found something else to do...
I drew a picture of a dog from a magazine about half way through the flight and it ended up alright! I mean, for being on a plane and all...

It does look a bit grumpy, doesn't it...
Anyway! We are staying in a hotel which has an awesome view of the twin towers. I didn't have my camera with me at the time we were at the best spot, though, so I'm going to have to take a few tomorrow. I got a few of the view from our hotel window, though. Sadly, it doesn't look over the twin towers. But it's still pretty cool!

That's it for now. I'll try and post again soon!


Miss Mikki said...

wow mintie thats an amazing view!
lol yeas....very random

JBass :) said...

How do you draw so good!?