Wednesday, May 09, 2012


We are now in Liverpool, England. The journey was a total of about 13 hours. The first flight was 6 hours, the second about 7. It was ok. It was a good break in-between flights so that made a big difference.
As we got into our flat type thing, a seagull landed on our window sill. But it was no normal seagull, it was MASSIVE!!! Well, normal for England, but I swear that no where else has such big seagulls. Kinda scary, actually.

With scary eyes...

Ok maybe not so scary...;)
As I went to use the computer, I plugged in the mouse. It didn't work. So I beat it up. Then it worked. :P Just thought you might find that funny, because I did. Maybe it got scared.

Ok enough of the scary post...

Bet you have nightmares tonight...

Since I haven't seen any cats yet (I'm sorry for the disappointment everyone... :P) I thought I would draw a picture of one to make up for it. I'm sure I'll see some soon, but to make up for the lack of photos so far, here it is:
A bit rough, but I guess it'll do.

And that's a straw it's chewing... :D


Ilikevegetables said...

Cute cat... he looks like he needs a snuggle.

Zoe said...

I've never been to Liverpool! Are you going to go to Abbey Road and stand in the middle of it? I hear so many people do that that it's a traffic problem :P

Emily said...

Wow that sounds amazing. U sound like you are having such a great time. You are so lucky :) by the ways pretty cool cat u got there

Anonymous said...

Hope your having a great time. That seagull sure is scary!!:)

JBass :) said...

How do you draw so amazingly?